Best Finger Food for Parties – How to Make Charcuterie Plate

Best Finger Food for Parties – How to Make Charcuterie Plate

Hosting a small party for your work colleagues or friends?

Want to impress without being overwhelmed with catering costs or investing time for cooking?

Then let them eat Charcuterie (shar-kytuhree) !

In simpler terms, it’s a party platter made up of cheese, nuts, bread/crackers, fruits, vegetables, and cured meats/sausages, arranged beautifully with a French flair. (Bon Appetit!)

Here’s what you’ll need to create these mouth watering, gorgeous to look at, totally instagram-ready platters:

1. MEAT! In thin slices! (must)

Cured meats, salami, sausages should all be on your radar. (Some people prefer to go to a local deli, but the grocery stores will always have a wide selection, so no worries.) Typically, people recommend at least 3 selections of meat – your guests will appreciate the variety.

2. Anything pickled (optional)

Olives are always an excellent choice, but I’ve also seen pickled baby carrots and red onions. There’s no such thing as a “must-have pickled “ list. Be as creative as you like. And don’t slice anything!! Serve them “whole”. Baby dill pickles are fine, but no slicing or dicing! (Don’t make them look like the pickles that go on hotdogs!)

3. PATÉ (optional)

Paté is a “mixture of cooked ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste” ( The creamy texture allows you to spread it on your bread or crackers like it’s some sort of meat lover’s substitute for fruit jam.  All the more reason to spread some more onto those crackers!

4. Fruits & Vegetable (must)

Fresh vegetables can be tossed on to the plate (like garnish) at the end (spinach, baby arugula, etc.), but definitely try to add some fruits like cherries or grapes on the board as well. It brings nutritional value to your plate, in addition to the natural, beautiful colors that these berries can bring.

5. Spreads & Nuts (optional)

Fruit spreads are always a good idea for a charcuterie board. Apricots, blackberries, blueberries – I prefer apricot or orange fig, but you be the judge. These spreads always pair well with the meat and crackers on your board. And nuts! I’d stay away from peanuts (I know quite a few people who have peanut allergies), but I’ve yet to meet someone allergic to almonds or walnuts …. (eat at your own risk)

6. Grilled Bread and Crackers! (must)

The bread doesn’t have to be grilled, but it’s a nice extra touch for the party. Try serving a variety of crackers on the board – from whole grain to rye, maybe even ones with flax seed!

And Voila! You’re done!

No cooking involved. And everything should be served on the platter/board, but you can always choose to serve the bread/crackers separately if there isn’t enough room.  Pair with some great wine and you’re ready to impress with your gorgeous platters.

#partyplanning #charcuterie #cheeseplatter by @clarakim811

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Happy hosting!

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