Love Accessorizing? DIY Display for Your Necklaces!

Love Accessorizing? DIY Display for Your Necklaces!


If you are like me, then you love to accessorize.

There’s nothing like having a statement necklace that shouts, “this is who I REALLY am” to go with your favorite, simple blouse.  I enjoy wearing solid colors to work, which makes accessorizing even more fun.

And to save myself time (and money, because I have a bad habit of losing my jewelry – they’ll eventually turn up behind my cabinets when I move), I started using a very simple and cost-effective way of keeping my necklaces organized and ready for selection on busy mornings.

Items Needed:

  1. Cork board! (choose a size that can reasonably hold all your necklaces that you regularly wear to work) 23 x 17 will work for most of us – you can purchase one from $10-$20 on or at any office supply stores.
  1. Push pins! Make sure you buy the ones with at least 3/8-Inch Point, 1/2-Inch Heads so that your necklaces don’t slip off the pins – you can purchase one for about $2 on or at any office supply stores.

You can choose to hang the board up on the wall by your closet or simply put it on top of your drawers, desk, etc.

What’s really neat about having a display board of all your necklaces, whether they’re cheap, expensive, simple, or colorful, is that it’s so much easier for you to coordinate what you want to wear for that day.

Hope you’ll try this little technique – trust me, it’ll make you smile just by looking at it.

Happy Organizing!